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CPLC CENTRAL Zone’s Mediation Worked Well to Resolve a big dispute

A General Dispute case was registered at CPLC Central Zone office regarding removal of Public Nuisance, Usage of Theft Electricity, Abusement to the women, Harassment from Alcohol Drunk persons and misconduct of a Flat Union.


The case was sensitive in nature and great caution was needed.

CPLC Central team after knocking the doors of Police and other LEAs and after numerous hot discussions and meetings among parties concerned, finally achieved positive results through Mediation process as per the procedure laid down by CPLC Quality Management Systems. A Consent form for Mediation was signed by both parties and both the parties finally agreed to follow the points given by the Member.
1. Removal of illegal electricity connection (already removed within mediation process)
2. Elections of new Union
3. Apology statement by those found misbehaving and misconduct.

The representatives of a religious organization and both parties involved highly appreciated the positive and technical role of CPLC Central Zone team.